Mi 9.30 – 11.00 | MUT 215 wöchentlich (Beginn: 12.4.)

Für Studierende im Studiengang MA Musikinformatik 2. Semester (Modul: Advanced Composition and Sound Design for Film and Games) und als Wahlpflichtfach im Studiengang BA Musikinformatik / Musikwissenschaft 6. Semester (Modul: Musik und Sound Design für Film und Games II). Offen für alle Studierenden.

In this class, introductions to various game-related topics provide pathways to student projects and presentations. I am interested this semester in creating games about music and sound, and anticipate additional topics, like serious games, to be a focal point in our discussions.

Software: Logic Pro X, Unity
Language of Instruction: German/English, mixed

Di 13.15 – 14.45 | MUT 215 wöchentlich (Beginn: 11.4.)

Für Studierende im Studiengang BA Musikinformatik / Musikwissenschaft 4. Und 6. Semester (Modul: Musik und Sound Design für Film und Games I). Offen für alle Studierenden.

This will be a project-driven course exploring various facets relating to the production of music and sound for games. The production of music for games, much like film-scoring, relies upon a mastery of sequencing and therefore much time will be spent improving these skills in addition to time spent dealing with games-specific types of interactivity.

Software: Logic Pro X, Unity
Language of Instruction: German/English, mixed

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